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Approximate Reading Time: 8 minutes


5 Ways Perfection is Ruining Your Life

Perfection is a terrible obstacle that prevents you from living to your potential.  The need to always be 100% perfect is exhausting, not to mention an unattainable harsh standard.

Perfection prevents progress!


As someone who has consistently aspired for perfection and suffered the consequences, trust me when I say I’m a self-proclaimed expert on what NOT to do. It’s great to aspire for greatness, but if you can’t seem to move forward and make progress or if you are not going after you want because you are afraid of being judged, that’s the wrong mindset. Holding back prevents you from growing, learning, and experiencing growth that may improve your overall quality of life.


Maybe you believe people will like you more, or you’ll be the go-to, if you are perfect.  Whatever the reason, pushing yourself to be perfect is doing more harm than good. Perfection is like a four-letter word; it really shouldn’t be used; it’s a standard that’s not attainable and prevents your progress and negatively impact all areas of your life.

PERFECTION AND RELATIONSHIPS – Perfection kills relationships.


Have you ever been in a relationship where nothing you said or did was good enough?


Early in my life, I was in a significant relationship where comparison was the norm, and I was never able to measure up to the ideals he had in his mind.   To much time spent competing against unrealistic expectations; over time, it wore me down. If the person you’re interested in doesn’t check all the boxes or there’s that one thing that nags you, it may be challenging to get beyond that judgment.  You may feel like “the thing” is not a big deal, but trust me, if it’s a nagging thought in the back of your mind or if “it” keeps coming up in conversations, do yourself a favor and have the conversation.  Avoiding these issues they will rear their ugly head when you least expect it like a monster in the closet that haunts you. If you can overcome the challenge, great, but if not, you may need to let go of the relationship. Don’t hang on for the sake of hanging on. The one that doesn’t light your fire may be the eternal flame for another. Expecting perfection in a relationship is unrealistic and set’s each of you up for disappointment.

Perfection with a child can be complete devastation. You’ll pass on feelings of inferiority inadequacy and the belief that unconditional love is non-existent. Someone very close to me, regardless of what he did, was always compared against his siblings. Whether it was school, the way he dressed, the way he kept his room, his friends, grades, career choice, or income, he never measured up, and that impacts him and the way he sees himself to this day. Even now, as an adult, the need for perfection affects the way he interacts with others and has negatively impacted his relationships. 

It’s ok to have high standards and strive for continuous improvement, but when we hold ourselves back for fear of being judged or not being good enough, that’s a problem. We were all made to be something beautiful. We are divinely made beings and have incredible gifts to offer the world by just being ourselves.

Trying to be someone else is a waste of the person you are made to be.

PERFECTION AT WORK – Perfection eliminates opportunity.


Have you ever been in a meeting and not contributed?


Were you scared? Did you think everyone in the room was going to stop, stare, point, and laugh at you? I have, and I could kick myself. Instead of speaking up, I sat there contemplating, and during my hesitation, someone else brought up the same idea. It was like the universe had given me this fantastic idea; I didn’t grab it, so it went to the next person in the queue. If you’re holding back, you are not showing your true abilities.

Earlier in my career, I was in a role at a large organization surrounded by people that were a few steps ahead of me on the corporate ladder. Sitting there, listening to them trying to solve a problem was painful. They were unaware of the dynamics of the situation and couldn’t see the root problem. As a result, they couldn’t assess accurately or come up with a realistic solution. I sat listening with a host of solutions swirling in my head; my heart was racing, sweat starting to bead, thinking this is so simple, why can’t they figure out the answer.

Fear stood in the way, I never said anything and left frustrated instead of proud for helping to create a solution.  What if I had presented a solution? What if I was able to break down the root problem and offer recommendations?

Maybe that would’ve been a game-changer for me, perhaps that would’ve been an opportunity for a new project or a new role.

Don’t hold back. We are all so afraid of being judged, looking stupid, being silly, but honestly, what’s the worst that’s going to happen. Chances are they may have looked at me stunned that I had spoken, but that may have led to a few more questions and potential solutions.  Take a chance, and don’t hold yourself back. Most likely, there will be others in the room that agree with you. Sometimes it’s about planting a seed and waiting for the right opportunity for it to flourish. It’s always about getting to results, and the more you focus on helping and providing value, the easier it will be to contribute.

“Perfection is the Enemy of Progress”  Winston Churchill

PERFECTION WITH SELF – Perfection is the crusher of dreams.

Do you have an unfulfilled dream?

What are you holding yourself back from pursuing? Is there a dream, something that you’ve held in your heart for so long it just seems silly? As a young girl, I loved to sing and dance and had dreams of being a performer. With no formal training or experiences, the idea stayed in my heart, and the longing remained. 

I was scared of making a mistake, not being good enough, and being teased.  As I got older and more confident, group participation in cheer, dance, and other activities allowed me to perform without being the focal point. When I danced, it was as if everything vanished. I became more in tune with my body the way it moved, and it was a release of pure joy mixed with the adrenaline and endorphins that come from movement.

It was like a drug that I couldn’t get enough of, and still, it’s like a fix. 

But there were things that I didn’t do, like the school play or the school pageant, or take a different path in my career that was more arts-based. Focusing on perfection and fear of being judged,  prevented me from even attempting my dreams or discover my true potential, and now I live with the regret. I’m not saying that I wouldn’t be going through rejection after rejection, but at the same time, at least I would’ve tried, and I would know that I didn’t let perfection hold me back. So, what is my dream? My dream is to perform on Broadway. Maybe not a leading role, perhaps one of the obscure figures in the back corner just for the exhilaration and the energy that comes from performing in front of a crowd and a practice that goes into it the performance.

PERFECTION WITH FINANCES – Perfection with money robs you of experiences.

Is there something you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t because of money?

I’m a saver, and I used to struggle with a scarcity mindset.  I’ve learned over time that money is to be spent and used to overcome a challenge or to provide a skill needed to grow and, most importantly, to enjoy experiences that enrich your life and your relationships. If the expense provides you with an ROI and enhances your life, then consider the spend as an investment.

Don’t be the stingy miser working on your financial goals for 40 years from now and taking for granted what you have in front of you. Having an unlimited budget would be amazing, but that is not the norm.  There are so many opportunities to earn a little extra here and there so that you can do or buy the things you want but spend wisely and remember to save for that rainy day. 

Focus on the future, but don’t let it dominate your spending decisions.

It’s about balance and setting clear financial goals and strategies that set you up for your long-term goals. It’s essential; retirement comes, rainy days come, loss of jobs, whatever it is you have to have an emergency fund. You have to have a savings strategy, but in the interim, take a look around and make sure that the relationships you have or the investment in yourself is cultivated and not ignored for the sake of something that’s 40 years away.

Matter of fact take that budget that you have and put aside a little bit each month for that dream vacation, or getaway with friends or the fun little adventure for you and the kids or therapy, whatever it is. Set aside money for the things that cultivate and develop you and your relationships. You’ll never regret the investment in yourself and your relationships.

 PERFECTION WITH YOUR BODY – Perfection destroys your self-image.

True beauty is being comfortable in your skin and being truly comfortable with who you are.

I’ll try not to get on my soapbox, trust me; I’m guilty of putting too much pressure on myself to be thin, get in shape, find my abs…they are there they are just insulated…I saw them once for a brief time, so I know they exist. Magazines, movies, ads, and sometimes the people in our lives don’t help the situation. I remember being in junior high, and there was a full-on assessment of whose butt was too big. Lots of people struggle and often with devastating, life-ending results. I have a friend who is in year 3 with trying to keep her daughter alive from the vicious cycle of anorexia and bulimia. Fortunately, there is lots of help out there, but the body dysmorphic issue we have has got to go. 

For me, the focus has shifted to do my clothes fit properly, do I feel strong, can I do an activity without getting winded. I’m aging, and so are you. Our bodies are changing, metabolism slows, and sometimes we want the glass of wine and the bowl of ice cream. Go for it, but everything in moderation. Get outdoors, walk, hike, run a mile, do pushups before you get in the shower. It doesn’t matter what it is, just get moving.

Don’t let perfection limit your ability to achieve or keep you from your dreams. Overthinking and being concerned with the thoughts of others is a waste of time. Don’t let perfection rob you of opportunities and goals.  Just imagine all the possibilities that await.  Now take action…progress not perfection!