5 Tips to PowerUp Your Presence

Gravitas! Do you know what it is? Do you have it? Do you know how to use it to get what you want?

Gravitas is defined as “Seriousness and importance of manner, causing feelings of respect and trust in others.” In Latin, the meaning is “weight, heaviness.”

When someone has Gravitas, I view them as having a presence about them, which is difficult to define.  

It’s the certain something that causes heads to turn when you walk in a room or lean in a little closer to catch every word. They are grounded, decisive, and calm under pressure.

People with Gravitas are introspective, deep thinkers and take it all in, process, and think carefully before speaking to choose just the right words to make an impact.

Gravitas is a top leadership skill and is often a key-criteria that makes or breaks the decision for career advancement or new customer acquisition.

Suppose you’ve reached a plateau and are not moving up in your career, or perhaps you’re noticing that you are losing business to your competition. In that case, you may need to take a look at how you are presenting yourself and demonstrating your Gravitas.

Very few people are born with Gravitas, but the good news is that you can develop this essential skill with time, experience, continuous learning, and practice.

Use these 5 tips to help you develop your Gravitas to stand out from the competition and lead with authority, influence, and confidence.

Be a SME (Subject Matter Expert)

Competence = Confidence When you have both, and you demonstrate consistently, you have Gravitas.  Be the go-to for something, and you will find yourself sitting around the decision-making table with more opportunities.

Strike a Pose

You’ve heard “A Picture Paints a Thousand Words” well, how you leverage your body language is a powerful picture.  You don’t even have to use words to send a message; your body language is a billboard, a picture of what you’re thinking and feeling. Stand strong, walk tall, make eye contact, and don’t fidget; express your confidence physically but with an openness to encourage engagement

Be Aware

Emotional intelligence is a crucial ingredient for anyone seeking success in business, career, and well….life.  When you can tap into your environment and pick up on clues, you can make better decisions and act with more intention for more ideal results.

Use the Power of the Pause

Pausing gives you and others time to think and regain focus. When you have Gravitas you know how to wait for just the right moment to make your point. You’re able to use silence and a long pause to your advantage. Use them to add emphasis, create interest, maintain focus, and allow time for processing.  Most people are uncomfortable with silence, so leveraging the “Power of the Pause” can add to your Gravitas. When it’s time to speak up, be clear, concise, and courteous.

Use Your Voice, Watch Your Tone

How you say something is often more important than what you say.  Tone matters and can attract or repel depending on the way you communicate your message.  Snarky, condescending, and sarcasm have no place when developing your Gravitas.

Determine what you want to convey and how you would like to come across. Use a steady, firm pace, and be clear and concise. You don’t have to shout to be heard; use a tone that encourages engagement.

I hope these help you to play a bigger in 2021.  Be Bold! Be Brave! Be Intentional!

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